Thursday, September 23, 2010

Back in Cali - September 23

Ahhhh, i have been uprooted again, just as I am getting situated. I am becoming good friends with the people in the sky as I shlepp across the country time and time again. This morning when I got on the plane, the captain or co-pilot recognized me because of the cello. He said " heeey, he's flown with us before!! I remember the instrument!" They kept asking me to play for them, but I refused, as I had no meals for free! The flight was alright. To Washington, I was next to a young woman from Arizona who complained of a boring Husband. To Long Beach, I was next to an old woman, who offered me plenty of tasty peanuts. I sort of like being in a plane with all those people. Somehow, it seems cool if it goes smoothly.
  This morning, was not exactly smooth, as I woke up just after six, but then after I closed my eyes for " a second" it was just after seven - when I wanted to leave by!

  Thank you sooooo much to those who have been donating. I mean, you just can't imagine how encouraging it is, not to mention how much it helps. ah! Ur Awesome.

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