Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hello again, Salt Lake City

I am back in Salt Lake. Yesterday was a loooong day of traveling. I got to JFK at around 10:20 for an 11oclock flight, thinking I was okay, but then they wouldn't let me fly because my bag wasn't checked a full hour ahead of the flight!!!! grrrrr. So i had to wait in the airport half the day before my five hour flight. What a joy. It was okay though. I found some very interesting people and slept and explored JFK. COle picked me up at the airport and took me to the store then to the apartment. It is just Johnny, Cole and me in this sweet apartment. I have a whole room to myself with two twin beds to choose from. The bathroom has a really nice shower and the apartment is a four minute drive from the rink. I am at the rink now, just watching and checking things out. I will be skating with the FAST team, not the National team. It is in effect the tier II team here in Salt lake. I want to skate with them to get my bearings here at altitude and also because they have a plethora of really strong skaters that are my speed or a little faster at the moment. It should be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Back in the "412" again...again Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Hey all, I'm back on that skating grind, making sacrifices, managing time, and all that. This last trip home topped the last one which I didn't even think was possible - but then again, I got to know and love this silly girl named Tui, who has me spinning and googly-eyed as never before...haha! I love you Tui.

  I literally can't remember a week that even came close to going by as quickly as this last one did. It was really just one big dream, I'm sure. No really, its certain. I just kinda woke up today and realized I better get my act together, only after doing some superbly stupid things. Today I discovered that it would have been good to pay attention more in physics class when I exploded Harshaan's Glass Pyrex baking dish in the sink. I had just pulled it out of the oven and tried to get ahead of the game by washing it right away...please, no comments. hahaha. That's just one example. These last few days have been just getting back into the rhythm of the days. The skating has been great though. I picked up where I left off before the break and am really excited about how my body feels, what I am discovering about it, and then the end result, how I am skating.

  The cello is also great. It was awesome to get to work with the Great Miss Diesslin again a couple times.

  I am extremely happy to be living in the apartment simply because of this little gym right next to it that I think is making a huge difference. Ever since I moved in, I have been improving steadily, I believe. Junior Trials in less than two months!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


HHHHHEEEEEYYYY!!! Hey so today I skated my personal best lap time for this rink!!!! That was extremely encouraging, my friends, yes it was yes it was. I enjoyed it. You know, I was moving quickly and feeling in control. Pretty sweeeet.  Practice was deadly today. K has really ratcheted up the training, I guess because we don’t have a competition for a while. Dryland was one of those jaw-droppers. It was pretty awesome. I came home and grabbed a quick shut-eye, which is a daily occurrence. I get around seven hours at night if I can get to sleep by a little before 10pm. Then I take a little over an hour nap when I get home. Yesterday, completely outlandish and unclaudstitutional, I took my American Government Final without a nap. Circumstances…  Today, all napped up, I think I did very well on my literature final. I had to get a little creative due to some recently-rare bad planning. I didn’t bring three of the novels that I was to write about in the exam from the Krueger house. Twas okay though. I wrote down a bunch of quotations in my notes and I think I pulled it off. Then I went straight to the Etiquette Dinner which was on the campus. It was an event that the skaters went to, just to learn about proper etiquette for when we get in that limelight. It was silly, but it showed good commitment to RMU, the rink where we skate. SO now I’m all done with tests and don’t have to worry about them when I come home on Friday!! Such a relief. Now a little workout, practice, dinner, and sleep.    PIU! An’ I’m out!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15th, 2011

Hey everybody,

  I should get an LG phone to commemorate life being good! ...but seriously, I need a new phone, ever since Mrs K. pushed me into the pool! haha! She's sneaky. Training is going well, and I love staying in the apartment and cooking my own food. I squatted 15 reps of what my max weight was last year in Cali on the tenth set to boot! That was sweet. I took my final today for American Government for which I have been fiendishly studying the last few days. I was worried I would fail but I actually did much better than I anticipated. I think I will get around an 80 so I am very happy about that. The tests are so much ridiculously harder than the lessons and I said as much on the review of the course. It was crazy. Soooo much material to cover. I had to memorize over 500pages worth of text book material. I think I pulled it out though. I feel a great weight lifted off my shoulders. Tomorrow I take the Literature final, which hopefully will be a breeze compared to the Government one. Practice has been very interesting lately - lots of creative drills to go along with the technique and speed training. Goodnight, for today, tomorrow is not far away.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

First Morning at the Bachelor Pad

Last night was calmly hectic. I'll explain that paradox:
  I planned everything out great. Harshaan drove to the Krueger house with his truck and Mr. Burkholder came from next door with his van at a little after 5pm and I had everything prepared to hop into the two vehicles no problem. We drove the apartment about half an hour away, unloaded into the apartment and finished around 6. Apparently Harshaan spent two hours scrubbing the apartment clean! Looks good bro. Then, Harshaan and I did a little workout at the Gym at his apartment complex. Then we went to the store to stock me up on food for the week - that was stressful, not gonna lie. trying to stay under a budget shopping for food while hungry is more nerve-racking than skating a final for a National Championship. Lets just say, the total price is gonna be a lot lower next time. So then we went back and I had to cook something for myself. Success. Then, I baked a celebratory tart for my new room-mates - that is, I slipped it in the oven and slipped it out. That Trader Joe's Raspberry Tart is just fantastic. Then bed. Looooong day and it was a blessing to have the extra hour. This morning I made an amazing breakfast of sausage, mixed with vegetable stir fry followed by yogurt with pair and raisins. Should hold me for a while! Now, to work on this blessed day off: cello, school, and scheduling the tests for my finals in school. Oh! i also have to update my whereabouts in the drug-testing pool.
  Hopefully I can procure some photos/videos soon. My room needs a door substitute (any suggestions?) but otherwise is quite roomy!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Yeeeeess Everybody, It's 9:39pm and I'm up late! Thats because Mrs B is picking us up tomorrow morning a little later than the Kruegers nornmally take off. Mrs Krueger is somewhere far into the West with her boys crammed in the tiny Toyota Corolla, meandering dutifully along to Salt Lake City. That's it. The two cornerstones of the club that started it all are gone! Its like losing someone close to you. Somehow I can't wrap my brain around it. On the positive side of things, coach K will have his eyes on me more of the time which means more attention on my technique, which I really need as alwaaaays.
  Tonight Ryan and I cooked a mean supper for ourselves. Home alone, we made a vegetable stir-fry medley to die for and I made a spectacular ham, cheese, and stewed Collard Greens sa'mich that turned out delicious and savory - like something out of one of those Food Network shows. I may have started my own famous sandwich with this one.
  Biiiig changes are coming. i may be moving in with Harshaan and Ryan as early as Saturday. I am pumped UP(!) to train as hard as possible and as smart as possible up until Junior Trials. I am making that team! Its that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen when donations are made to Claude Gilbert through this very blog. But then again, when is it not that time of year. Seriously speaking, every dollar counts and will help me get out to Salt Lake here and there to train with faster skaters now that Johnny and Cole are gone. Thank you and have a good night. I'm bushed!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Gooooodmorning. Some things I failed to mention last night:

  At this last Am. Cup, there were a number of Canadians that came down to Cleveland, from Calgary. Some were very fast. There were two or three that were faster than me out of the 11 that skated in Am. Cup A. After each day, they sped out of the rink to catch a bus at the corner of the rink and there must have been about thirty-five of them total. It was real cool to talk with them and I talked to their coach about which races we could go to in Canada. He said there were none coming up and that's why they came here but next year at the Octoberfest in Quebec is where we should go.
  On another note, the new system of qualification was tried for the first time this meet, where only the winner of the heat, quarter-final, or semi-final is guaranteed to move to the next round; the next designated number of spots are all by fastest time. So technically, a whole 1500m semi-final could move on to the final if it is faster than the other races in the semi-final round. The problem is that it is almost impossible to judge in the spur of the moment if your race is fast enough that the pass into first place maybe isn't necessary. In my case, both times I was penalized for passing and trying to block a pass, my race would have been fast enough that I would have advanced to the next round. As Mrs Krueger said, the novelty is a system of hindsight. The bright side of the system, and this is why National Coach Jae Su Chun pushed to implement it, is that in every distance, the times were much faster overall than at Am. Cup I, even though the World Team competed in St Louis and not in Cleveland. My 1500m times were very fast, two of the three setting personal bests.

  John-Henry continued his unbelievable recent success. He won the whole Americas Cup overall - at age sixteen. Not bad at all. He leaves for Salt Lake City Thursday. In fact, Cole does too. Mrs Krueger and her two sons are DRIVING a Toyota Corolla all the way to Salt Lake City!!! Meanwhile, I will be here hoping to make some real technical progress and do some new training to try to keep pace with them while they train with the National Team.
  I talked to a higher-up in Usspeedskating and confirmed that I have a sweet package of equipment coming my way, all Under-Armour clothing and paraphernalia as they are our new material sponsor.
  While waiting for practice thursday night in Cleveland,  submitted my final lesson of the American Government course and when I got back last night it was another A. All except my first submission have been A's (that was an A- as I didn't know I was allowed to refer to the textbook for answers - haha). Now I have to study for the final. Same for my other course, Lit. of the Future.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

After a quick drive home from Cleveland, I am home in Pittsburgh again, reminiscing about all the valuable lessons I learned this weekend, what the training in Pittsburgh has done for me and could do more of after exactly a year of training here, and looking fervently ahead to the next couple days, weeks, and months. Although the overall results will not show it whatsoever, I skated fast while turning left at Am. Cup II. I surprised myself again, just like at AM. Cup I. I was killed by penalties and so my points tally followed suit. I don't even know what I finished overall. I skated great in the 1000meters and 1500meters. My endurance and strength is very good in comparison with the other athletes, however my 500m. is abominable. I am not a sprinter. That much I cemented this weekend, and I have to improve this part of my skating from many different angles. I have plans and schemes galore and I will talk to Coach K on Tuesday when we start training again. I also was crushed by lack of good judgement on a few passes, that I didn't need to make in hindsight, which lead to penalties. This will improve with experience and cataloging these mistakes in my mind in future races. "Gotta choose your battles". My dad said this. It was so nice to see paps and I'm really happy he came. We had some great times together like always. So thankful I have a great relationship with my parents.
  I don't know if its something I ate, or the lack of racing today because of a penalty, but I am extremely built up and inspired to train and try new things in the coming months leading up to Senior Trials and Junior Trials. Hopefully I can keep that feeling floating around my being and actually produce some tangible success in the result sheets come January. More coming tomorrow, including some good news!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Hey all, everybody - all you bloggers. Thanks for having patience. Times have been rough lately. Training is the same. John-Henry has been in Salt Lake City training and winning B finals on the World Cup circuit!! If you want to, check out his amazing highlights here:  and mrs Krueger has been gone a lot.

I am in Cleveland now for Am. Cup II and am enjoying the Embassy Suites Hotel immensely. Gonna see paps today! Very excited for this race. There are some new rules. Qualification for rounds is based on time more than placement, which is very interesting. Updates should be possible though there is no free wifi in the hotel.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sunday October 16th, 2011

Back in Pittsburgh not much has changed except there are a lot more leaves on the ground and it is colder. I miss home already but I've learned that this actually subsides as time goes on up to an extent, before it starts being too long. Home was, well home. What can I say? I love it in the Ridge. Waking up early was definitely a plus as the days seemed much longer and more productive. I actually did some really great workouts that I hope to include into the training here. I took care of some issues, spent quality time with Ma n Pa, and the cat Peppito of course, had a blast driving myself places and running errands, and generally had a great stay I think because it was so last minute and unexpected, it was more enjoyable because it was almost a bonus. Friday night with my friends was just awesome. Had such an amazing time. It was one big blend of fun and silliness until I forced myself to go home and get some sleep before my eight hour bus ride. As bad as that sounds, it was actually better than a plane ride in some ways. There were much less annoyances and inconveniences. The seats were much more comfortable and I had a free seat next to me the whole time. I brought a ton of great food and beverages so that when we took a half hour stop at Subway half way to PA State College, I didn't even need anything and I didn't even eat dinner. Thanks so much mom. This morning I did a workout and felt the affects of the ride, but hopefully I loosened up my muscles for tomorrow. Time to train to be extraordinary! That's the new motto. Do something extraordinary. I have two weeks until Am. Cup II where I have an excellent shot to finish in the top ten as it is not a world team qualifier and the world team will not be there. (  ;) Dad).

Monday, October 10, 2011

Hello all. I am back in the Ridge since coach K is on his Honey Moon!! I went to his wedding in Washington D.C. and then took the Mega Bus home from there. If you don't know about Mega Bus, you can actually book rides at like 4 dollars if far enough in advance. Mine was very last minute so it was far more expensive (still less than $20 from D.C. to NYC) but there's free wifi and outlets.Its a double decker bus and the ride was just over four hours. Prety cool. Back to Pittsburgh'll be a long ride, but it sure saves a lot. Anyway, I'm still working out and doing some things I needed to do and going back Sat. Here's a link to some great photos from St. Louis.  These pictures were taken by Allison Mittelstadt, a skater mom trying to stay warm. Thank you!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Whatttup everybody!

  My computer's internet conveniently broke as soon as I got to St Louis so I could not up-date the blow by blow. So frustrating, I know! America's Cup I was an overall success, I would say. We arrived Wednesday night and switched hotels as the original was unacceptably dirty according to Mrs Krueger. We ended up in a Resident's Inn that was very nice. It had a "condo at the beach feel" though we were in Middle America. We practiced Thursday and Friday and Friday morning were able to go into Downtown ST. Louis to see the Arch. St. Louis is really cool. We all liked it a lot. At least compared to some of the other zombie towns that competitions are held in, it was alive and urban and interesting with too much to see and do in the short amount of time we had. I was actually sad to leave.

  But on to the racing. The first day was the best for me. I was in 12th overall by the end of the 1500m and 500m, actually placing 12th in both. My first race, the 1500m heat I ended up leading the whole thing from start to finish! That was real exciting for me. In my 500m heat I had 4th position on the line and finished in 2nd, qualifying for the quarterfinal after an outside pass. That felt sweet. I was really very happy with my position after day one. Top 12 in this race is better than I would have expected. With all the top guys in this race because it is a World Cup qualifier, I could not possibly hope for the 8th pace finish of last year's Am. Cup Final. The second day I failed to advance out of my 1000m heat, a real disappointment. I really thought I would, going in and knowing who was in my race, but I got caught in the back in a fast race and couldn't make up the gap in the end. J.R Celski was in that race. He's back and in full glory. He won every single race he was in easily and is going to the World Cups with a shot to medal after more than a year out of the sport. Amazing. Whats really amazing is that my teammate, brother, training partner, 16-year-old John-Henry Krueger finished 5th overall and was chosen by the National Team coach to be a back-up ON THE WORLD CUP TEAM!!!!! Simply amazing. He skated so well, so hard and consistent enough to be in great position to capitalize on some injuries to other former World Team members and is leaving tomorrow morning to train in Salt Lake City for World Cup One, which happens to take place there at the end of the month. It will be extremely weird training without him. Cole and I will have to work together to get to where J.H. is. Cole finished 12th overall and I finished 14th. But most importantly, I was top four Juniors and if I can get that result at Junior Trials in January then I am going to Junior Worlds in Melbourne Australia, baby!!! I need to get more explosive, as my top speed is not good enough right now. My endurance and track skating is much better than ever, but I need to weight-lift and improve my foot speed for increased power and quick-twitch.
  Hopefully I will come up with some videos of the action and post it here eventually.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Saturday September 17th, 2011

Okay, I'm finally writing. I've been meaning to for a long time but I have been working extremely hard on school after practice every day. This is the time of the year when I need to take advantage of how  much time I have because the second part of the year is gonna be hectic. Lots of competitions close together - traveling, getting ready, extra preparation, etc. School is finally picking up steam now that there's time. I guess I'm making sure I get A's and not rushing through it. I'm going to finish High School slow anyway so I might as well have great grades. Just wait till I start a math course, i'll be singing a different tune probably.
  The first competition is soon. We leave for St. Louis the 28th and the competition starts the 1st of October.
I'm doing at least as well as I did last year on the sprints already and I think I'll surpass my fastest lap times from last year pretty soon.
  After working my tail off all week on school, I went to Andrew's to hang out. He picked me up in his Beamer convertible with a huge sub in the back, and we went to his house where his dad made a killer meal of fresh, farmer's market-bought perogies and raviolis in a vodka sauce and a muffin. Then I got a chance to witness Andrew's baseball skills first hand as we drove to the field and tossed the ball around for over an hour. Andrew, like me, has two passions and in the summer he plays lots of baseball at some of the best facilities in Texas and California with one of the best teams in Cali. He gets emails from colleges saying he's too young for them to make an official offer, but that they would love to have him at their school. He can throw an 87 mph fastball and he's sixteen and only trains for baseball maybe a quarter of the year. So background done, yesterday it took me a while to get used to the power and movement of all his throws. His curve ball just doesn't stop moving once it decides to begin its six foot diagonal dive. I couldn't believe how many times I just missed it because I blinked at the last second. Then once he threw his fastball with a crow hop which makes it faster and I caught it but it went right through the glove and got stuck in between the fingers.hahahaha! We had a blast. I still have some of my baseball chops for sure.

  so then we drove to Harshaan and Ryan's apartment (they are teammates) and hung out. I slept over and am still here relaxing after going with Harshaan to his campus gym and going on a long run. Harshaan goes to RMU, which has a typically PA-like rural campus with lots of flowery decorations, steep rolling hills, and everything pristine. Ryan's working at Sam's Club now and Harshaan's napping, as I shall do too now. It is sooooo nice to have a weekend of relaxing and doing productive recovery. I still did some school work today and will do more after I wake up. Last night I submitted another lesson of Literature of the Future - my six essays on the Andromeda Strain. Next, I will read A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So here I am, back in the Burgh. Its the season. Much much different feel. Only two sessions in one day once a week (Friday). Different kinds of drills - more speed and sprinting, shorter, more intense intervals. More time in the day for school, cello, and of course writing in the blog. The weather is pitching in to the intense change in life for me. Its cold and rainy, not hot and sunny. Its exciting. I realized on the way back that the summer is over. I made it. Now no matter what the workout is in the morning, the schedule cannot be as grueling. More fun and enjoying going fast!! This morning, back on the ice for the first time in a week and a half, with hardly any sleep (got in very late last night), and extremely stiff from sitting in a plane all day yesterday, I really surprised myself with the lap times. I felt terrible but my times were pretty fast considering. Hopefully being burnt out is a thing of the past (or of the summer - haha) and I can really kick it into gear for the races!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday August 25th 2011

Here in Salt Lake, its just as high up as ever...hasn't changed much in that regard - nope. We are still adjusting to the altitude and the faster ice. Its pretty discouraging so the challenge is to not let it get to your head. Its pretty sick training with J.R. Celski again (I saw him in Cali briefly). He's real cool and his technique is amazing. He's back from his time off and getting back into shape so he's not going THAt fast but he just looks soooo smooth. Skating behind him is positively educational - he wastes no energy and is fluid and carries his speed...well, like one of the best in the world!

  Salt Lake is so strange in its climate. Its a desert so its crazy dry, thus the 95degree and up weather doesn't seem that bad. Yesterday, there was this one little dark cloud that shimmied over our house and hung there. Everywhere around us was perfectly blue sky and it was pouring rain on us with whipping winds. It was pretty cool. Speaking of weather, its looking like its gonna be pretty tough to get home with Hurricane Irene coming up the east coast. Everyone please wish me luck!!! i'll need it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday August 21st, 2011

You're never gonna believe it! We went to the Pirates game today and caught a Home Run ball!!!!!

  You can see in the video above how it landed pretty close to us but then bounced over several hands including mine before Cole caught it in his mitt. That was in the first inning after a short rain delay. We left in the seventh inning when it started to pour again. Pretty great day! So happy I stuck with the hastle of getting the tickets online. The Pirates lost the game after the rain stopped and we were long gone on the highway but it wasn't about winning or losing. It was a nice day at the Ballpark - Mann, that feels weird to say being a Yankees Fan and having experienced the excitement in the crowd at (the old) Yankee Stadium. Its so funny. The Pirates havn't been over 500 (in winning percentage) in something like 15 seasons. It showed as the fans seemed completely unchanged when the Reds got a three-run homer in the sixth inning to go up by one. Its a super nice stadium. Because its so small, there isn't one bad seat in the house.

 We leave for Salt Lake City tomorrow evening getting in around 11pm. Any suggestions for adjusting to high altitude?


Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday August 5th, 2011

Yup yup, he's breathing. He's alive! Its a miracle ladies and gentlemen...

  This week was even harder than last. The last workout of the week this afternoon, the 7 lap cross country run culminated probably the hardest week of my life. I made it through without whining to K though and in the long run, I'm sure I will be happy. This week had lots of fireworks. Top skaters were kicked off the ice due to attitude problems, injuries (however fake or real), blade problems, lack of focus resulting in too much talking, and there were a plethora of crashes ( I was in one this morning). Everyone is obviously extremely taxed as the summer training takes its toll. Consistency is the name of the game. Ahhhhhh, the week is over and I have TWO full days to rest for Monday.

  Time to relax, do some school, practice the cello, stretch, hang out, maybe see a movie, and get ready for another week. I'm still standing tall, which is something to be proud of no matter how I do this season, but unless I am mistaken, I will be very proud of how I do this season as I am stronger, more durable, and technically better than ever.

  Enjoy Yourselves! Its Friday!!!


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday August 2nd, 2011

This is the dead of summer, the "Dog Days" as they say. The whole summer's training is in my legs, in my head, in my psyche. Its hard not to get completely discouraged when every morning, I step on the ice and immediately know I won't be doing anything spectacular today. No,  will have to do the same monotonous, methodical, level-headed technique work because my legs are fried. They have no snap, no zing, and no endurance. Stiffness and fatigue rule. haha The only thing that keeps me going is seeing that Cole and Lexi are just as bad. John-Henry starts skating again tomorrow. He has been doing tons of one-legged cushions (where you go up and down to basic position, a ninety degree angle of the hamstrings and back of the calf).  All the other guys and girls that are here just for parts of the summer are dying as well but I don't compare myself to them since they are on such a different schedule. My goal now: To make it through the week without complaining to K about how tired I am and how whatever the drill he assigns, my first thought is usually negative and reluctant. This is it. This is the home stretch of Summer Training. This is what they were talking about when they said at the output "You're gonna be dying" or "You might not make it" or "You're definitely gonna snap at some point". My goal is to not get angry with K and remember that however much he pretends not to know, he does know how tired we are and he does take it into account. He just knows that it doesn't matter because in the end the same truth still holds:  the harder you push yourself, the better you'll be.

  Got two new grades back in school and they were both an A! One was for a lesson of American Government and the other was for my new course, Literature of the Future, for which I read Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I had to write six different 5 paragraph essays. Now I am reading The Andromeda Strain by Micheal Crichton. Its real nice to have some literature to keep my mind multi-dimensional ...if only occasionally. The cello is the real key to that.

  Bon appetite and Goodnight!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Saturday July 30th, 2011

Yo yo yoooow! Week's ovaa. I feel similar to how I felt at my 8th Grade graduating ceremony. I did it. haha. It was so difficult because of the National Team Camp last week - how it ended with the sand dunes and then we hopped on a plane and were traveling so it felt like there was no off day. This week was rough. Even mighty Cole, who never ever wears down asked K if we (him, Lexi and I, those who went to Marquette - J.H. is still not skating from the ankle injury) could take this morning's practice off. haha! Fat chance!! We were there this morning, toiling away in the 95 degree sunny humid weather and then in the ice rink working away in what I like to call K's Technique Factory. Its pretty admirable how many times he can energetically say the same things and yell at us in the same way and not give up. Its working though. I am beginning to form a nucleus of "my form". I have to develop it and train my muscles to remember it and be able to repeat it and then - the most important part, be able to hold it when the muscles fill with lactic acid and are burning with 3 laps to go in the 1500m final, sending millions of messages to my brain on how they think it would be awfully swell if I could stand up and take a breather fer a quickie. 
  This Monday coming up Andrew Astalos roles in. I trained with him in Cali when I was there and we had many good times. He is actually buying a house here! He's a bit younger than me and he's a Long Tracker by nature. However, he is going on the theory that you have to be good at Short Track to be Great at Long Track, a la Shani Davis and many others.
  Last night was tons of fun. A bunch of us piled into Harshaan's car and went to get ice cream. There's a place right around the corner called Bruster's that makes home made ice cream to die for. The flavor that I tried once and havn't varied from is Chocolate Raspberry Truffle. I mean, that just sounds ingenious, doesn't it?! Then we went to Evan's and played some pool, chilled and went home for a full night's sleep before the slightly later sat. practice.
  Gotta rest up for a fresh start Monday!
  Tomorrow morning a bunch of us are going with an adult skater in the club to the shooting range. Very new experience for artsy Waldorf Boy (me) but I'll get into it.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sunday July 24th, 2011.

  I am back in Pittsburgh again. I slept so well in my big bed here. Wow. The dorms were cool but its nice to have a real bed again.
  Friday, the last full day was indeed a killer. Tons and tons and tons of laps at fairly high speeds. The hardest drill on the ice was a relay in which each person only had one other on their team. Each partner went out and did 13 laps having to stay at a certain lap time before the relay push. Each partner did TWELVE sets! It was a mad struggle by the end. Real crazy, all out, mental toughness training. The track was so bitten up by the end it was crazy. We actually skated through the ice to the concrete yesterday morning! Poor Dan Fiorenza was skating through the turn and all of a sudden his skates just stopped gliding as he hit the patch of concrete and he went flying forward onto his stomach. haha. Friday Afternoon was incredibly long and after the dryland workout the whole camp went out for a team dinner in "downtown" Marquette. Actually Marquette has a certain charm about it. By Friday it was much nicer out - clear, cool - and the great Lake Superior was white reflecting the sun next to the restaurant we ate at. Saturday Morning directly after ice we went to the Sand Dunes again for the last bang. We had to sprint straight up the X-games ramp of sand and jog down 15 times in sets of 5. I'd say it was maybe 40 meters (imagine less than half a straightaway on a track) from bottom to top but it was so steep, and the sand gave out from under our feet as we climbed up; it took over 21/2 minutes to the top. The way down was extremely fun. Imagine standing on the top of a huge drop-in ramp then that moment when you shift your balance and plunge down but with sand. I could take huge leaps down and slide about 3 feet every landing. However it got dangerous when we started reaching our max. John-Henry sprained his ankle on the way down one set and still tried the way up on one leg before he quit! So he's on crutches for a while.
  Overall, I had a great experience training with the National Team, showing off the mental toughness and fighting Pittsburgh training breeds, hearing the great stories of World Cups and stuff from Shani, Simon Cho, Katherine, and the rest. Now its back to the character-building, rugged, no half-ass, grinding training of coach K that will improve me for the next time we train with the National team at the end of August.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday July 21st, 2011

Here in Marquette things have really picked up in intensity. We did a 200lapper yesterday afternoon then drove to the sand dunes. The dune is about 40 feet high. Its so cool. Walking through woods, you wouldn't expect any beach type area then you come to this mountain of sand with more forest behind it. Needless to say it was a hard workout running all over the dune. Shani Davis was hard-pressed to stay with us and on the last lap, Cole and John Henry sprinted to try to beat him and Shani claimed "It was only out of pride that I beat them - those young kids killed me!" haha. so that was sweet to be training intensely with Shani who has personally met Barack Obama and says nonchalantly "'s a cool guy".  Today we picked up the speed doing some relays with a bunch of teams. Chunsem (The Korean coach) has been impressed with our composure during the hectic relays. This afternoon we drove to Marquette Mountain and did some killer power jump circuits before running up and over and back up and down Marquette mountain a bunch of times. The training of the National Team has been difficult but not that bad compared with our training in Pittsburgh. Last full day of the camp tomorrow! Its gonna be a grand conclusion if I know Korean coaches at all... Goodnight

Monday, July 18, 2011

First Morning done, National Team Camp in Marquette

The heavens broke last night and I was able to relax to the sound of rain pouring down outside. This morning I woke up at 5:30, which is nice compared to 4:10 in Pittsburgh, had a leisurely breakfast in my room of granola and yogurt, some fruit. I met everybody in the lobby and we jogged to the rink in the Berry Events center. This rink held the Olympic Trials last year and the last world cup before the olympics. Its a real nice facility with very decent ice. The guys from Pittsburgh were told yesterday that we will be leading 90% of the time and sure enough, Cole John-Henry and I each led a set of 20 laps this morning. we did drills and relays and then were done for the morning. An easy practice to start the week! I'm sure it will get much much harder. It was so fun to be on the ice with Shani Davis who is hilARious, Travis Jayner, Katherine Reutter, all multiple time olympians with legs of steel. We all then walked to the cafeteria and had a pleasurable breakfast. The food is really great. The campus is deserted but its still cool to be on a college campus. Resting up then I'm gonna go to lunch early and then go to the dome to see the sports doctor they have here as a complimentary deal. I hear he's great and he may be able to help my hip flexibility.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday July 17th - Something different!

I am currently in a dorm room at Northern Michigan University. I am here for the National Team camp with National Team Coach Jae Su. The trip here was interesting as we were not able to secure a rental car at Marquette airport (which literally has about 6 gates) so we waited for a little blue bus. The only ones on this, we took it to Mrs Krueger's hotel. The driver was missing most of his front teeth, had grey, wild-looking hair, glasses, rough yellow skin and was extremely happy to have someone to talk to. We ARE in the middle of nowhere.  Flying into Marquette we saw only forests and lakes - no houses or civilization. It was pretty surreal. I really feel like I am at the end of the earth.
  So once we got Mrs Krueger checked in, we called checker cab and within 10 minutes a friendly, happy-go-lucky Charlie picked us up and took us to the dorms for $7.50. I can't complain about the dorm room so far. It has one set of nice wooden furniture - a dresser with tons of drawer space and a desk with a light and drawers - for each person. John-Henry and I are sharing a room and we are both sharing a bathroom with whoever will be next to us. I wanna get some pics on J.H's I-touch that I can post.
  This morning we walked over to the Hospital cafeteria for breakfast. We get $5 worth of the food for free as part of the camp. Surprisingly, that got me tons of food. However, the "short walk" we were expecting from the directions at the front desk ended up being about a mile each way.  It extremely hot. I mean, really uncomfortable and the rooms don't have Air Conditioning. That will probably be the worst part of this week. The cinder block walls stay cool so that's nice but I am definitely going to the beach today on Lake Superior which I hear is real nice.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday July 10th, 2011

Well today is another off day and I am enjoying it just as much as yesterday's. I'm ready for the new week though. Gonna pick up the pace on the iceeee! Gonna get a little sprinty out there I think.
   So now that it seems  to be under control and somewhat in the past I'll tell yall bout this crazy thing I had on my face. Something I laid in one day reacted with my skin and a rash broke out. After a day or two, it was serious. It was spreading.It was swelling like crazy so that the whole left side of my face was like a squirrel that put too many nuts in its mouth. Then these blisters came up and this disgusting yellow liquid was oozing out of them. That's when I went to the doctor who put me on a seriously heavy dose of Prednizone which is a type of steroid that alters your hormonal levels. Claritin was thrown in as well. Ya, needless to say I was more than a bit loopy for a couple days there. The first day I was wondering why Prednizone WASN'T on the banned substance list for us Category 1 athletes because I was so full of energy during practice. The second day explained why...I was so out of myself, I could hardly feel my body on the ice. I fell going unbelievably slow and I got a crashing headache during practice and had to skip. haha. aaaaahh, anyway, the face is getting better. Just looks like I got some road rash or something now.
  Derek Jeter hit his 3000th hit and it was a Homerun! It was one of five hits, the last of which won the game for the Yanks. Classic Captain stuff. Pretty cool, and the Yanks had another great game today as CC Sabathia pitched a complete game shutout for his major league leading 13th win in the Yanks 1-0 win over the division rival Rays. Woooooooorrrrdd.
  Doing school, did cello, and am discovering Donald Glover today. I had no idea about him! Rapper, hilarious actor. 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Saturday July 9th 2011

Yo yo yo. Hello hello hello.

  Everything's good over heeer. Got lots of school done today so now its moving at a SLoth's pace instead of a snail's. More tomorrow. Now, its dinner and then chillin at Evan's house with Harshaan, Ryan, Ian, Cole, aka the guys and Evan's friends/cousinettes. Evan's house is huge. Its got a 75 inch TV in the basement and a ton of other cool stuff around.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Friday July 1st, 2011

Sand Camp has come and gone. Though I cannot give away our training routines and drills, let me just say that it lived up to the hype of being nothing but sheer Hell. haha. Presque Isle State Park in Lake Erie is a very nice area. Its a place I would revisit if not for the memories of agony Sand Camp scarred me with.
  Recently The National Team Coach and a couple skaters that train with him in Salt Lake City (including Simon Cho, World Champ in the 500m) came to Pittsburgh for a Junior Category 1 Camp. It was fun to have so many skaters on our home ice and training with us. The camp was extremely technique oriented and I learned a lot from Chun Sun, the National Team Coach. Coach K was extremely lively in the presence of Chun Sun and the two functioned together like Oil in an engine. They seemed to build off eachother and the knowledge they confidently offered in this limitlessly detailed sport was amazing. Chun Sun was impressed by the Pittsburgh lot.
  The Krueger house is really filling up now. Three more months until the beginning of the racing season!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tuesday June 14th, 2011

Hey er'body, sorry for the long silence. Lots to talk about, but two-a-days have started and I literally only have a couple minutes here and there.

    A couple of weekends ago, I saw the Tom Tom Club in Pittsburgh at the Point State Park. There was an Art Festival going on throughout Downtown and The Tom Toms happened to be part of it. They were so so so so good. Even though they are from the early 80s, their music did not seem dated or out of place at all. They were definitely older looking up there, but hey, the music was great, and it had the acoustic maturity of an experienced bunch of musicians. Not too loud, just enough volume to let you really feel it in your bones, you know? They played that great song Genius of Love:
Also, Wordy Rappinghood, Sexy Thang, and their version of Psycho Killer, first produced by the Talking Heads, I think. So many more songs were good too. It was just awesome. Not too many people were there - enough too make it a real concert, but few enough that the lawn was open enough to just lay down and rest while enjoying some awesome music. I will write more soon. I have to go to sleep now.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday May 5th 2011

What is I can't? There is only I will try. What is speculation but an escape route for your mind? It is not failure when you reach your true and innocent limit but a benchmark for the next climb. Why stop or hesitate to start? Why ask questions. Just try. It is hardly "training" but a purification of the body and mind. As stressful as our modern settings and surroundings teach us to make it seem, life really is simple in practice: Just keep going.
   White noise enters the head sometimes and a peaceful bliss takes over the pain so that you feel indestructible, level-headed during the highest level of physical effort. Nature chisels away section by section of the square limestone casing surrounding your body to create the sturdiest Michelangelo sculpture, proud and tall. Summer Training has begun in earnest.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday May 11th
These four videos are four parts to the the concerto I am playing right now on the cello. The Lalo Concerto by Eduard Lalo. Its very romantic so it feels sort of off sometimes until you get used to it.
  I felt great on the ice today. Having fun skating and training.
  Lots of school done today. Learning about Public Opinion and the Mass Media's and Public Interest Groups' influence on it. All is good.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday May 9th

The weekend rocketed by. Merciless Monday tanked in, slow but unstoppable. I received a package from Usspeedskating arrived on Saturday containing a cut-proof suit that is mandatory starting next competition season. It was a surprise from Paps! And this morning it gave me an out-of-body experience!!!  It was so hot, that I swear I was seeing things during practice this morning. The Ice was so hard. Just amazingly hard. But I made it that way, so why complain! It was great. Next year is gonna be awesome.
  Did a ton of school today and practiced the cello well and am watching Heat Celtics NBA playoffs right now. Good day. Goodnight.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Saturday May 7th

Hey there my friends!

  I'm through another week. In looking back it seems so short yet during it, it is excruciatingly long. With another statement like that I think it is time I got something clear. I may complain about how hard the life is and act like it is torture. The truth is, during the training, sometimes it is. Some drills are so difficult they almost cause tears and certainly extract groans the likes are found only in childbirth. haha. Sometimes training is so difficult, it changes the way I look at myself. Those days it gets to the point that it is a drug. I'm addicted. Those days, my days are sore, painful to flex and yet all I want to do is go to sleep early with a good meal, plenty of hydration and the perfect rest so that I can do it again the next day. Those days, the scenery is beautiful. The rain is happy. Chores and errands are not a drag, but a chance to get up and move through this world that is at my disposal. Then there are the competitions. Obviously, the more one trains, the better the results. Completing a competition with good results - better than expected, is bliss. So training is torture sometimes, but the overall picture that it paints is captivating.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday April 28th

My Fine feathered friends...
   I'll have you know that the weather is as volatile as Cole's stomach after Jalapeno Peppers from a Korean restaurant (and if you were around him, you would know just how apocalyptic that is). Last night there were several tornado warnings in our area and predicted thunderstorms. I love itttt!!! Favorite weather. Yesterday afternoon it was sunny, then there was this eerie mix of radiant spring sun with lots of purple light covering the scene from the looming storm heads, then it broke and the wind was whipping the rain through the air in visible sheets. Today when we got in the car it was 69 degrees before 5 in the morning but the wind was whipping (much to coach K's dismay as he stood and watched us train outside) and by 9:30 it was only 57 degrees. Now, a cold front has settled in and the weather is beautiful. Really, positively a perfect Spring day with birds chirping eloquently, a light breeze doing the jig with the plants and perfect long green grass of the Krueger backyard. Training was better this morning. Yesterday was a rough day and today was better. I'd say there are 5 levels of how a practice was on the ice: Bad, Worse, Okay, Better, Good (which is more like great, superb, joyful, a relief!) So better is three times better than bad, pretty good, if you Tink about it. :) 

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

I have yet to post since my birthday celebration here at my home away from home. Mrs. Krueger made me feel so special it was embarrassing (in a good way).
   She had asked me what my birthday dinner should be and I had requested lamb chops (she had made them a couple times before) and wild rice. She came home Monday night and was going to start the lamb chops when I heard from my bedroom in a distressed voice "WHO PUT THE LAMB CHOPS IN THE FREEZER!!!?" I suddenly stiffened as I remembered it had been me that had taken the lamb chops downstairs when she brought them back from the store and that it was probably me that had...put my own birthday dinner in the freezer instead of the refrigerator. I had ruined my own birthday dinner. "Hey", pointed out Mrs. Krueger, " at least it WAS you. Now I feel better." haha. We ended up going out for pizza and having the amaaaazing dinner for lunch the next day but not before I was ushered into the living room for my birthday present!!! Mrs Krueger and her mother "Badah" got us all tickets to Cirque de Soleil!!!!! I was not very familiar with what that is but Mrs Krueger showed me some videos and it is pretty much a visual blast of amazing physical imaginative talent with booming colors and fantastic sets. Its for may 26th. Cool, right?? SO the next day we had the lamb chops, accompanied by delicious wild rice, beautiful Italian bread with garlic butter, finished off with a savory Apple Pie with Blueberry Crumble Ice Cream (the two go very well together, I must say). So all in all it was definitely not a lost birthday away from home!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday April 22nd 2011

Yooo, whats up erybody. Hope ur still stickin with me here. Its gonna get good. This competition season is gonna be really exciting. I feel so great on the ice. This basic and strength training is what I need more than anything and I need it more than anybody. I don't have enough of a "form" that is my own. This is because I have never put in these kind of hours in basic training before. It also helps to  be with John-Henry and Cole who are awesome training partners. I learn from them everyday. Its weird that I owe so much to them yet my goal is gonna have to be to beat them eventually.
  Enjoying the weekend already. Watchin NBA playoffs, readin, relaxing. Tomorrow I am doing a ton of school and cello and then a bunch of guys are comin in to have their skates molded by the same company (SD best feel) that did my skates.
   Mrs. Krueger says her mother has a great birthday gift lined up for me. I love Badah ( I still don't know why they call her that). She is awesome. Goodnight.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday April 15th, 2011

I have been here in Pittsburgh a week and a day since the break. The time is already slipping by unaccounted for, unnoticed, too general to be real. I can't tell if it feels like its been a year or a couple days. Its just hard work and discipline. However I have reached out socially a little and am going out with two Figure skaters tonight for the second time. They are cool and its so nice to have such a drastic change in environment occasionally.
 The online schooling is going great. i submitted another assignment (2nd out of ten for the American History course) and got extremely encouraging remarks from my educational supervisor, the one who grades the work - the one who gave me a straight A!! woooohooo.
  Got a small taste of what the summer dryland will be like today in the second practice. I am looking forward to it, but at the same time am wishing I had chosen curling or chess instead of this crazy sport. Its gonna be ridiculously hard.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Getting Back Into It...Already - Thursday April 7th, 2011

3 weeks has somehow flown past already since the end of the season. I am back in Pittsburgh feeling rested, (well, last night I was - not so much after practice this morning)  revamped, and ready to move up a like a ROCKET (!!!) through the standings this year (racing starts in September). It feels good to be back. I really do enjoy training and surprisingly I feel much better physically when I am. It was so fun to be back in the Ridge for some time though. I miss it of course, but am happy all the same. I'm looking at it as going to college early...minus the partying.
  Moving away from the moppy stuff, today was already brutal, mostly because I am out of shape (natural after the break). I have to get back into the rhythm of waking up at 4. It sounds ridiculous, but its not that bad. So today we did basic form training. Its sort of like the skating equivalent of a root canal which you've put off for way too long and hurts that much more. But I wouldn't want to do anything else right now. Mrs. Krueger's equivalent is "a whole body plastic surgery which leaves you sore and bruised but you know that soon, you will have the best bikini body". I am certainly sore after this morning. This kind of training will gradually increase in intensity and sessions per week until the full flung SUMMER TRAINING begins in June. SAND CAMP I believe is at the end of June.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday March 13th Season Over!!!

America Cup Final is over here at the nationals in Wausau Wisconsin. Out of the 16 qualified skaters, I finished 8th, a result I am very pleased with. I had some good luck and some tough breaks, some exciting races and some sub par races, some crazy falls and everything else that comes with a weekend of Short Track racing. I am happy I opted to race Am. Cup Final instead of age class where I would have had much less difficulty. This very long, trying season is finally over and I can take a few weeks off from training and go home. Looking forward to that but also looking forward to the summer training in Pittsburgh.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday February 27th 2011

And another week begins... time seems to be flying by to the end of the season. The air smells and feels like spring which is so refreshing. Im done with winter. Its been a good one. Lots of snow and wintry conditions, but, I'm down with Spring coming. I am enjoying workouts so much recently. K is really an amazing coach and he is a lot of fun once you get to know him. I feel strong. Just always gotta keep working the flexibility. There are three weeks until Nationals and then the season is over so now its pretty much all out - nothing left in the tank until then.
  This week has been interesting with the Kruegers gone in Italy for Junior Worlds and my mom here to look after the house. I realized that as much as I missed my mommy, it didn't take long before I was more than ready for her to leave again. It surprised me how quickly it became apparent that it is just easier to train and go about my business in a disciplined manner when my mom is not with me. We had a couple good days in Pittsburgh touring around that bleak gray city. I mean Pittsburgh proper is pretty small and not very interesting. In squirrel hill, where I had a lesson with a member of the Pittsburgh symphony, it is nicer. The University of Pitt campus is literally right next to the Carnegie Mellon campus and mixed in there is a huuuge Museum with two halves, one Modern Art and one Natural History. Around there is pretty lively. We sat down for an awesome lunch at Union Grill where I had maybe the best burger ever. Can't wait to have the Kreugers back and training again. Its been good to have one on one with K but I'll be happy to be following the Krueger brothers and listening to Mrs Kruegers dramatic stories again.

Friday, February 18, 2011

All is good.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have found my slippers! They have been missing for days and my life has been a mess without them. World, you may start turning once again - I have found my slippers.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday February 14th, 2011

Hey all -
  I am back from American Cup III in Midland Michigan finally having put together a consistent performance. I finished 7th overall, a vast improvement from 27th overall at Am Cup I and 18th overall at Am Cup II. There are some external reasons for the horrid results at the beginning of the year as were documented here: The skate/blade problems; also at Am Cup I, most people were bumped down who were at this competition for that was a World Team qualifier so naturally all the top skaters in the country were there. They were not present at the next two Cups. However, I have clearly improved a lot in pure strength, quickness, fitness, and technique. At Am Cup III I set personal bests in the 1000m and 1500m which is more significant now that I've skated in Salt Lake City because in Salt Lake is where most everyone's Personal Bests are set. In the 1000m, I did a 1:29.2 braking my previous best of 1:30.4 (Salt Lake) which was huge for me. I did not feel that taxed at the end of the race and I actually made an outside pass on the last corner to qualify for the next round in the heat. I thought our race would be the slowest of the four heats. I told a guy who was in the race it would probably be around 1:33 as I did not feel like we were ever going that fast. Ours was the fastest heat!
  I did one 1500m at 2:20.0, I believe and one at 2:20.4. The first was a frustrating race in which I had to get top 3 to qualify for the A final (which would have been an upset anyway, but I could have done it if I hadn't slipped) I was in 3rd when I slipped and found myself in 5th. I slowed up then to conserve for the B final so the time could have been under 2:20.0. Excuses excuses, but its fun to think about. The B final was significant because... I won it. It was the last race of the weekend, the super final. I felt very good and moved into the lead with about 10 or 9 to go. Then my teammate and housemate Cole took the lead with about 5 to go and I followed him at a rapid pace. I was content to have a Pittsburgh 1 2 finish and was just trying to hold a very tight track behind Cole so that the third place skater could not pass but then Cole slipped due to his blade as I did a big crossover out of the second to last turn and I found myself in first and him in second. Videos will be up soon as my dad was there. So happy him and my uncle Steve could be there! Also glad I finally skated well when they were there. I finished 2nd in the first 1500m B final, 2nd in the 500m B final, 4th in the 1000m B final (my stupidest race) and 1st in the 1500m Super B Final. John Henry finished 3rd overall skating conservatively a week before Junior Worlds ( They leave next Sunday). Cole had a meet from hell and finished BEHIND me in the overall standings after a medley of crashes, blade problems and bad strategy. Hopefully this finish will put me in the top 16 overall in the Am Cup series rankings because then I will be able to compete in Am Cup Finals at the Nationals in Wausau in 4 weeks instead of age class division.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Friday February 4th 2011

Hey there, if anybody is still checking here...
  I am training hard. Not much new. The Junior Trials was a rocky ride. I had to be consistent and I was the opposite of that as I fell twice in the first two distances taking myself out of the running for. I finished 7th overall though I was 5th fastest in the Time Trial. Given how crazy the beginning of the season was, it was good to raise some eyebrows which I was told I did when I stayed on my feet. All the videos can be seen if you go to and type in Fred Gilbert.
  I love living in Pittsburgh with the Kruegers and I love the coaching of Coach K. All is good. Just very tired and training hard. I will try to keep it going here. Goodnight.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

Back in Pittsbuuuuurgh! I took a very last minute bus here from New York. I was supposed to get here last Sunday but because of that crazy snow storm, my flight was canceled. I was ticked enough but then my rescheduled flight Tuedsay was also canceled. I was ready to get to Pittsburgh if I had to crawl at that point so I ended up taking this very cramped Chinese bus. With the city in complete disarray and the bus leaving at rush hour anyway, it took forever to get out of the city and I did not get to Pittsburgh until 1:30am, having endured an eight hour ride. Mr. Burkholder was pinned with the chore of picking me up. Thanks soooooooo much to him.
  So that's how I got here. The next day I skated in the camp and the camp ended yesterday morning. It was mostly a technique camp but we threw in some pretty quick laps too the last days. I missed the first couple days of the camp but i am still sore. We skated and did dryland twice a day for a total of about 7 hours of training a day. Can't wait to start next weeks training. I'm guessing it will be very very hard.
  Happy new Year!