Thursday, November 3, 2011

Yeeeeess Everybody, It's 9:39pm and I'm up late! Thats because Mrs B is picking us up tomorrow morning a little later than the Kruegers nornmally take off. Mrs Krueger is somewhere far into the West with her boys crammed in the tiny Toyota Corolla, meandering dutifully along to Salt Lake City. That's it. The two cornerstones of the club that started it all are gone! Its like losing someone close to you. Somehow I can't wrap my brain around it. On the positive side of things, coach K will have his eyes on me more of the time which means more attention on my technique, which I really need as alwaaaays.
  Tonight Ryan and I cooked a mean supper for ourselves. Home alone, we made a vegetable stir-fry medley to die for and I made a spectacular ham, cheese, and stewed Collard Greens sa'mich that turned out delicious and savory - like something out of one of those Food Network shows. I may have started my own famous sandwich with this one.
  Biiiig changes are coming. i may be moving in with Harshaan and Ryan as early as Saturday. I am pumped UP(!) to train as hard as possible and as smart as possible up until Junior Trials. I am making that team! Its that time of year again, ladies and gentlemen when donations are made to Claude Gilbert through this very blog. But then again, when is it not that time of year. Seriously speaking, every dollar counts and will help me get out to Salt Lake here and there to train with faster skaters now that Johnny and Cole are gone. Thank you and have a good night. I'm bushed!

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