Monday, January 2, 2012

Tuesday, January 3rd 2012

Hello all, I am now in a house that is almost too nice for comfort. My dad and I are living alone in a two story HOUSE that normally is beaucoup expensive but because there's no snow on the mountains(!!!) is cheaper than a reasonable hotel. Pretty sweet. Training is fun here. There is at least 20 people on the ice every morning and usually closer to thirty and the group of people is real fun.
  My dad and i have been exploring the Utah nature scene and it really is spectacular. Here's a link to the album we have compiled thus far:  I feel like a child again playing in the Wasatch Mountains - climbing round and just lookin at the different views. Its awesome.

  Last practice Time Trial tomorrow before the time trial Friday to see if I make top sixteen. Laters.

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you a nice flight on that ice for your next time trial!(no taxiing!)
