Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday February 27th 2011

And another week begins... time seems to be flying by to the end of the season. The air smells and feels like spring which is so refreshing. Im done with winter. Its been a good one. Lots of snow and wintry conditions, but, I'm down with Spring coming. I am enjoying workouts so much recently. K is really an amazing coach and he is a lot of fun once you get to know him. I feel strong. Just always gotta keep working the flexibility. There are three weeks until Nationals and then the season is over so now its pretty much all out - nothing left in the tank until then.
  This week has been interesting with the Kruegers gone in Italy for Junior Worlds and my mom here to look after the house. I realized that as much as I missed my mommy, it didn't take long before I was more than ready for her to leave again. It surprised me how quickly it became apparent that it is just easier to train and go about my business in a disciplined manner when my mom is not with me. We had a couple good days in Pittsburgh touring around that bleak gray city. I mean Pittsburgh proper is pretty small and not very interesting. In squirrel hill, where I had a lesson with a member of the Pittsburgh symphony, it is nicer. The University of Pitt campus is literally right next to the Carnegie Mellon campus and mixed in there is a huuuge Museum with two halves, one Modern Art and one Natural History. Around there is pretty lively. We sat down for an awesome lunch at Union Grill where I had maybe the best burger ever. Can't wait to have the Kreugers back and training again. Its been good to have one on one with K but I'll be happy to be following the Krueger brothers and listening to Mrs Kruegers dramatic stories again.

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